Blog Archives

Nine days until Tainted Blood!

Just nine more days until you can own all three!

Just nine more days until you can own all three!

That crept up on me.

Want a sneak peek snippet at Tainted Blood? Check out the Sunday Snippet at That’s What I’m Talking About — they’re doing a double feature of Iron Night and Tainted Blood! Plus, you can enter a giveaway for a signed copy of Iron Night. Check it out, and don’t forget to pre-order Tainted Blood wherever fine books are sold!

O Canada!


This one is for all my Canadian readers! So…. probably two people in Manitoba. Please click play on the YouTube video right now, then continue to read as the music plays. I’d like to set the proper mood for this entry.

Since Iron Night came out in January, I’ve done a few giveaways over at Goodreads. This is always pretty fun – hundreds of people sign up, a few lucky people win free signed copies of the book, and then ideally those hundreds of people are motivated to check the book out even though they didn’t win it. (I’ve actually been told by a friend who works in publishing that this last part actually happens almost never — but, hey, worth a shot amiright?)

But when I’ve done these giveaways in the past, I’ve always restricted the giveaway to the US, purely because of the cost of shipping. In fact, whenever I do a giveaway, whether on Goodreads or a private site, I almost always restrict to the US. There was only one time that I didn’t, and that’s because I was on a site run by a Canadian. (Hi Julie!) But I only have five copies left of Iron Night to give away, so this will be my last Goodreads giveaway until Tainted Blood comes out in November. So I thought – well, why not give a little love to my brothers and sisters in the snowy north? Besides, then I’d get to have a lot of fun with the promotion for the next month.

Fun like this.

Fun like this.

And like this.

And like this.

Oh my god, baby beaver in a plastic swimmy tub! Look at its cuteness! Best idea ever!

Oh my god, baby beaver in a plastic swimmy tub! Look at its cuteness! Best idea ever!

Will this actually work out in numbers and promotion, enough to offset the increased price of shipping that I’m going to have to eat? Um… actually I don’t know. I probably won’t know for about a month. The last giveaway I did had 484 entries, and the best giveaway I did for Iron Night had 778 entries. So if I have anywhere from that base number to anywhere in the middle to beyond, I’d call it a success. So, Canadians! Put down your hockey sticks for a second and listen with the politeness I’ve come to expect from you! I’d love it if you entered here for a chance to win a signed copy of Iron Night, and if you passed this along to other people in Canada who might enjoy a copy.

Iron Night Goes International!

Meagan on plane

….air, that is. Check out this excellent action shot that my friend Meagan sent me of Iron Night as her in-flight reading choice!

Iron Night is getting some incredible accolades – check out these:

Lee at SheWolfReads wrote:

ML Brennan has created one of my favorite new urban fantasy series with it’s original world and compelling hero. If you want a fresh new take on the vampire mythos, you would do well to start here.

Gikany and Una at That’s What I’m Talking About gave Iron Night an A+ and wrote:

If you haven’t experienced the Generation V series, you really need to pick it up. The struggle of Fort as a somewhat rebellious child (or a black sheep depending on the perspective) is entertaining – the wit and charm woven into the character of Fort is endearing. The comic relief and romantic tension that Suzume brings just enriches the overall feel of Iron Night. We have no idea what lies ahead of Fort, but one this is for sure: we can’t wait to read about it!

And Tori at Smexy Books had one of my favorite comments *ever* about my character progression:

Fort continues to be an engaging mixture of sincerity, bravado, and self deprecation. His character is evolving at a comfortable rate; not an instant warrior but no longer apt to be the first one killed anymore. He’s now the second.

Hee hee hee.

Four Out Of Five Engineers Can’t Be Wrong

Four out of five engineers prefer Iron Night!

Four out of five engineers prefer Iron Night!

Like the picture? That’s from the release day of Iron Night — I went out with a bunch of friends and we bought out the entire supply of the Nashua Barnes & Noble, then went out for dinner. And, yes, all of those guys are engineers. (that’s how well crafted Iron Night is, people! believe me, engineers recognize good construction and materials!)

Let’s start with the fantastic news — Iron Night has ten reviews on Amazon, and Generation V is actually up to forty-one! This is just flat-out awesome, since the number of reviews apparently does something to the metrics that is good for me. Other authors have told me this. (what? I only KNOW engineers, people! you want an actual explanation of how site metrics work, you talk to Django Wexler, not me)

I’ve also been a busy little promoting author — two new guest blogs are up. You can read about how I designed the elves in Iron Night and also about how I developed the kitsune. Huge thanks to My Shelf Confessions and The BiblioSanctum, respectively, for hosting me.

Luckily it hasn’t just been me talking about the book — Justin wrote an amazing article about the publishing industry in general and Generation V in particular for his fantastic Under The Radar series at This not only gave me the coveted Landon Bump (seriously, two separate people have tweeted to me that they read the book because of this article), but also put me in excellent company, since Justin also wrote about Teresa Frohock’s Miserere .

What else fun is happening? Well, for one, I got a chance to be interviewed by one of my favorite bloggers, Julie at YM&KAC. Not only did we have a fun conversation, but she also got me to reveal seven hints about the upcoming third Fortitude Scott book, Tainted Blood.

Plus, new reviews!

Iron Night reaches Scotland! Lisa at Over The Effing Rainbow wrote:

I love finding urban fantasy that reaffirms why I love the genre so much, and that’s exactly what the Generation V series is doing. Given that the only two authors of urban fantasy books who have gotten me as excited about a UF series as Brennan has are Jim Butcher and Seanan McGuire – two of my absolute favourite authors, no less – I can say with gleeful certainty that Brennan is absolutely one to watch.

Tabitha at My Shelf Confessions wrote:

Vampires, trolls, elves, witches, foxes and ghouls. Just put down whatever other urban fantasy you were about to read and pick up Generation V and Iron Night instead. You can thank me later.

Bridget Keown at RT Book Reviews also had wonderful things to say:

Brennan’s second Generation V novel is a pitch-perfect addition to this imaginative, funny series. Balancing precariously between his painfully realistic, underemployed life and the paranormal world that lurks beyond the shadows, Fortitude Scott is an earnest, engaging hero with a heart of gold. Fans will delight to see the return of his sidekick, Suze, in all her wild glory, as well as the rest of this fascinating cast.

And Generation V is also getting some extra attention. Two new GenV reviews at Speculative Book Reviews and Fantasy Cafe!

Iron Night In The World

This action shot of Iron Night is courtesy of Pamela @SkeletonGrrl

This action shot of Iron Night is courtesy of Pamela @SkeletonGrrl

So Iron Night is officially out in the world — thanks to everyone who made my book pub day so wonderful, and a special thanks to everyone who pre-ordered or made such an effort (despite arctic temperatures!) to buy Iron Night during its first week on the shelves — those numbers are incredibly important, and I’m really hoping that your efforts help make the difference on whether or not the publishers will greenlight a Fort Scott #4.

Thanks so much to everyone who is spreading the word and posting reviews — Iron Night already has three reviews on Amazon and eleven on Goodreads! That’s so incredible, and so much faster than Generation V did all the way back in May! It’s all very exciting, and I’m so very grateful.

Right now I’m on edits for Fort Scott #3, Tainted Blood, which is scheduled for November 2014, so you guys won’t have to wait another year for more of Fort & Suze (just ten months!). And to everyone who has read Iron Night already, here’s a little something:

Iron Night is launched!

That's Iron Night on the shelves of a bookstore! This photo is courtesy of The Qwillery, where presumably a team of huskeys raced through the icy winds to make it to the bookstore.

That’s Iron Night on the shelves of a bookstore! This photo is courtesy of The Qwillery, where presumably a team of huskeys raced through the icy winds to make it to the bookstore.

It’s the Iron Night book birthday! And I am just in awe of some of the reviews that it is getting. Check these gems out!

Nick at SF Signal wrote:

Iron Night is freaking awesome. Brennan has made vampires cool again, elves creepy, and urban fantasy feel fresh. In an over saturated genre this is no small feat. Fortitude Scott is a hero worth cheering for. He’s easy to empathize with, yet stands as a role model for justice (vigilante though it might be). This is truly a series with heart and I wish it a long run and Brennan many a success. I won’t be happy until this series is picked up for a crime procedural.

And Matt at 52 Book Reviews wrote:

If you like fresh takes on old tropes, characters you’d gladly drink a beer with, and laughing your ass off at three in the mornings, you should definitely give both Generation V and Iron [N]ight a try. M.L. Brennan is the best thing to come out in the urban fantasy market in years and you can even carry the book in public without shame.

Lisa over at Over The Effing Rainbow also made Iron Night the subject of her Tuesday Teaser, writing:

…a full review will be going up here very soon, but trust me. This one is worth your time – as is the first book in this series, Generation V, which you’ll want to start with if you haven’t already read it. *Pushes books at you*

Iron Night also shares a very prestigious book birthday — Diana Rowland’s Fury of the Demon is out today, along with Barb Hendee & J.C. Hendee’s A Wind in the Night! Need to put a few extra books in the cart to make the free shipping mark? Definitely check those out!

Happy Tuesday to everyone! It’s icy cold here, but so far I’m having an AMAZING book release day!

Two days until Iron Night



Two days! Two days! Two days until Iron Night is published!

Listen, I think this book is pretty amazing. But I wrote it, and I have a bit of a stake in people buying it. So here are a few people who AREN’T me talking about it:

@BookwormBlues Dear Species: My bookish wisdom today is to read @BrennanML’s books. I can’t even wrap my head around how much I’m loving IRON NIGHT.
– Sarah of Bookworm Blues, January 2, 2014

Matt of 52 Book Reviews included it among his Most Anticipated Books of 2014 — and there are some REALLY awesome books on that list!

And Melliane of Between Dreams and Reality just posted a new Iron Night review!

If you do not know the series, I can only recommend you to read it. This is a beautiful discovery, a little different from what we can usually read all that with a clumsy hero who has a sense of duty and justice as anyone else. A new great surprise and I’ll eagerly wait for the third volume.

And Mihir put a great pre-review of Iron Night on Goodreads — here’s one of my favorite parts:

This is an excellent sequel that actually builds up on its predecessor and manages to outshine it in almost every department. Firstly kudos to the author for a strange and savage twist on one of fantasy’s most beloved creations. I was very excited to see how the author utilized an excellent murder mystery and then wove plot threads about family and lineage around it.

Two more days!

Four days until Iron Night!

Look how awesome that cover is! Coming to a bookstore near you!

Look how awesome that cover is! Coming to a bookstore near you!

Happy New Year! Here in Connecticut, we celebrated with a giant snowstorm! (it’s our culture, don’t judge us!) So I got to spend three hours today shoveling. That was plenty of time to think about the Iron Night release — believe me, if I ever get crazy wealthy and famous (think GRRMartin), Crazy Wealthy Spending #1 will be to put my brother on retainer so that every time there’s a crazy snowstorm here, he has to fly out from California and shovel my driveway while I sit inside with a cup of hot cocoa. AND LAUGH.

Anyway, snowmadness aside, there’s lots of excitement, because Iron Night is going to be published in FOUR DAYS! Here, click this link to see actual video footage of what I look like right now:

Yes, I am a sophisticated creature.

Some amazing reviews of Iron Night are already getting posted by some of my very favorite bloggers. Here’s what some of them are saying!

Candace wrote:

I’m definitely a HUGE fan of this series and I’m liking the direction it seems to be taking. I’m curious to see how it plays out and I NEED more Fort and Suzume!

Mogsy wrote:

I can’t recommend these books enough. This sequel was simply amazing, and it was everything I’d hoped for and more. Earlier this year when I read Generation V, I knew this had the potential to become one of my favorite Urban Fantasy series. Well, Iron Night pretty much made that official!

And Julie wrote:

If you are looking for an exceptional urban fantasy read, you must check out Generation V and Iron Night. These are some of the best urban fantasy books I’ve read…ever. The style, the pace, the voice, the characters, the world, the story…all outstanding. A MUST for your bookshelves.

How awesome is that? You’d have to made of stone to not be curious about the book now! And if you’re one of those people who hasn’t read Generation V (and yet strangely still visits my blog — hey, I’m not judging), check out Justin’s awesome inclusion of it as one of the 2013 Juice Box Awards Debut finalists! And let me tell you, when a guy is spending 1/3rd of the review explaining why he usually *doesn’t* like urban fantasy, and STILL recommending an urban fantasy? You should pay attention.

Books I Loved In 2013

It’s the end of the year! I have to say, 2013 was a pretty landmark year for me, what with the publication of Generation V and everything. Next year will be starting off with a bang as well, since Iron Night is coming out only seven days into January, and Tainted Blood is slated for November. Lots to look forward to!

Back when I first got into contract on Generation V back in 2012, my agent told me that I would need to start working on social media. I admit that there was a bit of reluctance on my part (between my day job and my writing, I honestly felt pretty tapped out), but I set up the website, the Facebook, and the Twitter. (Twitter turned out to be an extremely pleasant surprise – it’s much more conducive to quick conversations and general silliness, which are both things that I enjoy, as everyone who has seen me in action on Twitter knows)

Goodreads, though, was something that I really lagged on. I set up the entry for Generation V early, but other than that I really didn’t make much use of it for a while. I did the usual setup thing, checking off the books I’d read from the classics list, but other than that I generally wasn’t doing anything. In retrospect this is kind of a head-slapper, since I’m the kind of person who will actually list “reading” as a legitimate hobby, and my husband is constantly finding my book collection encroaching on any reasonably shelf-like surface.

Fun side-story – my agent was the person who brought up the subject of my author bio, somewhere mid-way through my edits on Generation V. Now, at that point I was juggling some pretty extensive edits (all of which made the book MUCH better and taught me a whole lot, by the way), plus a full-time job, plus laying out the initial plot elements for Iron Night, so believe me when I say that I was kind of fried. She was talking about how this was a good opportunity to showcase my personality and activities outside of writing to make myself more appealing, and so forth. I think that this is the part of the process that the agent is kind of hoping that the author happens to be some kind of modern-day gentleman adventurer in their spare time (When I’m not base-jumping off of bridges, I’m hiking up Mount Everest or defeating the forces of evil with my kung-fu prowess! I also knit!) – well, let me tell you, I am none of those things. It’s possible that if I had to choose a power-animal, it would be the sloth, because I am basically THAT sedentary. Give me a book and a warm sunbeam, and I’m basically good for about ten hours. My response to my agent was, “Um…. I like to read?” (not what she was hoping for, alas) (though, really, it happened with Iron Night as well – at a certain point in the publication process, you kind of lose all your hobbies for a little while)

Tangent over. But can you see now how nuts it is that I didn’t completely embrace Goodreads from the start? I actually set up my account for the sole purpose of being able to upload a .jpg of the book cover, and possibly host giveaways. Nuts! So my list of books that I read this year is actually a little sparse, since I didn’t track my first book until March (Erin Morgenstern’s amazingly dreamlike Night Circus), and I didn’t start tracking my reading thoroughly until around May. I’ll be much more thorough next year, since I was having a huge amount of fun today playing with the stats feature, and I liked being able to see a neat little list of what I’d read (mostly) this year.

Right now a lot of people are posting their top lists of books for the year (some are even including Generation V and Iron Night!) , which I’m really enjoying. I really wasn’t sure I wanted to do a Top Ten or something like that, but I wanted in on the fun somehow. So here’s a list of the books that I thought were pretty amazing of the 63 that I listed on Goodreads this year (plus the date I finished it). There were three authors who were so awesome that I had to just sit down and devour their whole series, and I put them at the end.

Books I Loved

Blood and Beauty by Sarah Dunant (September 30)
The Borgias: The Hidden History by G. J. Meyer (October 27)
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling (May 25)
The Darwin Elevator by Jason Hough (July 7)
The Forbidden Library by Django Wexler (August 15)
Gulp by Mary Roach (April 24)
Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh (June 5)
Jenna Starborn by Sharon Shinn (June 27)
La Santisima by Teresa Frohock *short story (December 22)
Love Minus Eighty by Will McIntosh (July 9)
Miserere: An Autumn Tale by Teresa Frohock (May 24)
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (March 6)
Old Man’s War by John Scalzi (September 21)
Parasite by Mira Grant (November 17)
Past Imperfect by Julian Fellowes (August 6)
Primary Inversion by Catherine Asaro (December 17)
Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal (September 23)
Secrets of the Sands by Leona Wisoker (July 29)
The Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson (September 28)
The Thousand Names by Django Wexler (April 9)\
Where Late The Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm (November 30)
The Witch of Duva by Leigh Bardugo *short story (November 3)


Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (September 26)
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo (November 2)

Idlewild by Nick Sagan (June 2)
Edenborn by Nick Sagan (June 5)
Everfree by Nick Sagan (June 11)

Shadow Kin by M.J. Scott (no date)
Blood Kin by M.J. Scott (no date)
Iron Kin by M.J. Scott (May 15)

So, what do you think? Have you read any of these yourself? See anything that you’re curious about yourself? Have suggestions for what I should be reading in 2014? Throw it all down in the comments!

Happy Holidays

Courtesy of Annika Einarsson, holiday Iron Night!

Courtesy of Annika Einarsson, holiday Iron Night!

Happy (belated) Holidays! Check out that fantastically seasonal photo of Iron Night, sent to me by Annika! It’s now only twelve days until Iron Night is available for sale, so this is tremendously exciting — especially since a whole bunch of some of my favorite people have been reading their copies over the holiday break! (check out the Iron Night Goodreads page for some amazing reviews!)

While you’re waiting for the continuing adventures of Fort (and don’t worry, Suze is definitely back as well! plus a few new faces, and some unexpected reappearances), check out my guest post over at That’s What I’m Talking About The 12 Days of Christmas Movies Countdown. There’s also a fantastic review over at My Bookish Ways, plus Iron Night made a Top 10 (+2) Must Reads of January 2014 list!

Pretty great, right? Plus I even got a few entries for my Fanart Contest! Observe and admire! (and remember that entries can still be sent in, and that the top three entries get free copies of Iron Night!)

Entered by Rob

Entered by Rob

Not quite how I pictured Suzume, admittedly, but I understand artistic license. Plus, Skittles is kind of capturing some of her essence, right?

Entered by Shecky

Entered by Shecky

Now that’s in the right species! Plus, who can resist a giggling fox? I certainly cannot.

Alright, so those are the two in the lead? Think you can do better? Send me your entry via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

12 days to Iron Night!