Q: Where can I buy the books in the Generation V series?
A: Easy places include Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble, but you can find it at many other fine online establishments, or you can support your local economy and get it at any bookstore.

Q: I’d love a signed copy of one of your books. How can I get one?
A: If you can get to a con that I’m attending, fabulous! My con and bookstore signing schedule is under the Appearances tab. If our paths aren’t going to cross there, then you can get a signed copy through an independent bookstore that I’ve partnered with, The UConn Co-op Bookstore. Check out the details under the Signed Books tab.

Q: How did you get an agent?
A: I put a bowl of milk on my back steps for six nights. On the seventh night, I concealed myself behind some bushes and waited. When my agent came to lap up the milk, I caught her with a net. But, seriously, I have a long post about the subject that you can find right here.

Q: How did you get an editor?
A: I stood at a crossroads at midnight. When the devil arrived, I made a total sweetheart deal. No, really, I wrote about it.

Q: Can I contact you for an interview, a guest blog post, or anything along those lines?
A: Absolutely! Drop me an email at (no spaces) m l brennan 30 (at) gmail.com or message me on Facebook, Like me on my Facebook Fan Page or find me on Twitter at @BrennanML

Q: Are you actually Marie Brennan?
A: I am definitely NOT Marie Brennan (darn her prodigious talent!). I love her books, but all we have in common is the fantasy genre, potato-digging ancestors, and one letter of the alphabet.

Q: How many Fortitude Scott books will there be?
A: It’s a planned series of six.

Q: I’ve just finished Dark Ascension, and I can’t wait for more! When is Book Five coming out?
A: There are no current plans at Roc to continue the series. Because I don’t have contracts for either Book Five or Six, I have not written them. If that ever changes, I will update this information immediately. For now, however, I’m currently working on other projects. For a more detailed explanation, please go here.

Q: Are there any plans to release the Generation V books as audiobooks?
A: Penguin Random House has no current plans to release the series on audiobook, but if an audio publisher licenses the rights, I will definitely make an announcement.

  1. Are the generation V books going to become audiobooks?

  2. Cherrice Bethel

    Will the Generation V series ever be released as audiobooks?

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